Denormalizing Methods
Adding Redundant Columns -- Simply copy one or more columns from a child
table to the parent table to eliminate a join. Create a trigger procedure
to update the duplicate columns anytime the child columns change value.
Adding Derived Columns -- Create a column based on data computed
from other columns, either in this table or from other. Most
relational database applications will automatically compute the values
whenever the column is queried, so updating is fairly automatic. Carefully
constructed trigger procedures can improve performance.
Vertical Partitioning -- Split a table into two tables placing
mandatory and frequently accessed columns in one table and optional and
infrequently used columns in a second table. Performance is improved
because the secondary table will only be accessed when needed, so the
processor has less data to manipulate.
Horizontal Partitioning -- Split a table into two tables placing
recent rows in a current table and older rows in an archive table.
Transaction processing on the current table should improve and a view can
be created to join the tables for full database queries.
Prejoined Tables -- Create a table consisting of all joined
columns that is periodically updated. Queries are run on the new table
rather the underlying tables. Queries will not be real time but in many
cases, once a day or once a week may be all that is needed.
Report Tables -- Create a table containing just the columns
required for the desired report. Queries can be run to select and sort
rows as needed. The table will need to be periodically updated.
Mirror Tables -- Create multiple copies of a table to distribute
the load. A mechanism will be needed to maintain the mirror tables.
Repeating Groups -- Add redundant columns to eliminate duplicate
rows. This can consume a great deal of storage space but can reduce the
number of rows to be processed.
Speed Tables -- Hierarchically arranged data can be stored in a
speed table to simplify processing and coding. In a speed table, a column
is added that indicates the row's parent row. A recursive query can be
created to reconstruct the original hierarchical structure.