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Text Codebehind

p, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6
pre, blockquote, q
ins, del, s, strike
em, strong, i, b, u, big, small, sub, sup
dfn, cite, abbr, acronym
code, samp, kbd, var, tt

Attribute Property R/W Returns Valid
id this.id R A string containing the element ID, if defined. all
class this.className R A string containing a space delimited list of class names, if defined. all
style this.style RW An associative array object consisting of all styles unique to the element, if any. Does not include inherited or external styling. all
title this.title RW A string containing the element title, if defined.
lang this.lang RW A string containing the element's language, if defined. all
dir this.dir RW A string containing the element's text direction, if defined. all
  this.tagName R A string containing the elements type. all
  this.innerText RW A string containing only the text between the opening tag and the closing tag all
  this.innerHTML RW A string containing all child elements and text between the opening tag and the closing tag all
align this.align RW A named token ( left | center | right ) that specifies horizontal alignment. p, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, & h6 only
cite this.cite RW A string containing a URL pointing to the element's citation, if defined. blockquote, q, ins, & del only
datetime this.datetime RW A string containing an ISO-8601 time and date. Note: some browsers won't read the attribute until it has been written programmatically.. ins & del only
width this.width RW A number specifying the count of characters permitted in a row, if defined. Note that is attribute was deprecated previously and is not well supported. pre only
xml:lang   R A node containing the element's xml language specification. Note: this property requires special handing to access. all
xml:space   R A node containing the element's xml whitespace specification. Note: the property requires special handling to access. pre only